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Some commonly required keyboard shortcuts in Survo R:
alt+F3 - copy a line (or lines)
alt+F9 - insert a new line below the current line and move cursor to that line
shift+enter - insert a new line and move rest of the current line to that line and move cursor to the beginning of new line
ctrl+o - insert a new line and move rest of the current line to that line
alt+F10 - delete the current line
ctrl+end - delete end of line
ctrl+k - delete end of line, delete next line or move next line to end of current line
end - move cursor to the end of line
ctrl+e - move cursor to the end of line
ctrl+r - execute current or selected lines as R-script in R
ctrl+s - save edit field
ctrl+z - undo edit (load previously saved edit field)
shift+ctrl+z - redo edit (load next saved edit field)
ctrl+c - copy selection to clipboard
ctrl+x - cut selection to clipboard (with insert mode off clears selection block=Cut, with insert mode deletes lines=Cut rows)
shift+ctrl+x - cut selection to clipboard and delete selected parts from lines
ctrl+v - paste selection from clipboard (with insert mode off overwrites=Paste, with insert mode inserts lines=Paste rows)
shift+ctrl+v - paste selection from clipboard by inserting columns before current end of line (=Paste columns)
F9 - change insert status
ctrl+m - change insert status
mac only: fn+enter - change insert status
alt+selection with mouse - switch between select block and select lines
F8 - exit
ctrl + insert - copy to clipboard
shift + insert - paste from clipboard
alt+F4 - mark and copy blocks
F2 M C - converts the word from lowercase to uppercase
F2 M L - converts the word from uppercase to lowercase
F2 M X - exchanges the current and the next word
F2 down F2 down - go to the end of edit field
home home home - go to the beginning of edit field
F2 enter - change column to be returned after pressing enter
F5 - select shadow (color of writing)